Case Study- Neck Pain and Poor Posture due to Gym Program

Mr James Matheson first attended the North Sydney Spine and Health Centre in May 2014 complaining of sharp neck pain and poor posture due to strenuous gym programs.

Taking daily anti-inflammatory tablets was the only thing that provided any relief to Mr Matheson.  This was interrupting Mr Matheson’s gym regime and also caused him to have headaches on almost a daily basis.

Dr Adam Schober applied postural therapy to Mr Matheson and he noticed an immediate improvement in his posture and pain levels. Mr Matheson feels he no longer slouches and is able to go to the gym pain free as well as lifting heavier weights.

JMatho1 JMatho2     

Before Treatment                                                                             After Treatment

Things to notice on James Matheson’s posture assessments:

– Eye level

– Back Straighter

– Shoulders back

– Head back

– Chest back

– Eyes looking forward

– Not slouching

– Hips and pelvis more level

– Not arching over lower back

– James posture looks natural and more confidence

If you have neck pain and poor posture due to your gym workout, visit a chiropractor at Spine and Health in North Sydney or Crows Nest for treatment!