The chiropractors at the Spine and Health centres recognise that poor posture can contribute to spinal pain. Very often poor posture is a result of an existing muscle imbalance, pain or bad habits and conversely, having poor posture can also contribute to you developing pain and a muscle imbalance.
Many people have office jobs which entail many hours of sitting on an office chair. The Chiropractors of Spine and Health are trained in this area of treatment at the North Sydney, Crows Nest, Mosman and Gladesville Spine and Health centres
Sitting on an office chair for long periods can contribute to spinal problems. Sitting doubles the pressure on the discs in your low back. The static or fixed posture will also affect the muscles in the lower back, neck, arms and legs. The muscles prefer to be used in dynamic rather than static activities. The reason for this being that muscles depend on movement to help the blood flow in the musculature. This is important, as it helps to flush away build-up of lactic acid and other by-products in the muscles. The postural muscles are the ones that are most likely to suffer.
Our Chiropractors offer Posture Treatment in North Sydney, Crows Nest, Mosman and Gladesville and are happy to visit local work places to analyse issues and provide recommendations, treatment and support.
Prolonged sitting can cause muscles that support the spine to weaken and over time this weakness becomes significant. As our muscles fatigue it often results in the upper back being more slumped. A slumped posture causes increased musculo-skeletal stress, which in turn may lead to conditions such as; headaches, neck pain, jaw pain, shoulder pain, numbness or tingling in the arms or hands and pain in the shoulder blades.
Over time a poor sitting posture and incorrect work ergonomics can damage spinal structures and become the cause of recurrent episodes of pain. Spine and Health place great emphasis on giving both postural and ergonomic advice as part of the chiropractic treatment.
Our chiropractors have seen so many cases when a client is treated for their pain but the underlying problem (the poor posture) is not fixed the client will invariably have the same symptoms return time and time again.
Once symptoms have arisen, the problem is usually fully established and a chiropractic treatment program including postural advice, manual treatment and rehabilitation exercises help to re-establish a flexible, strong and pain-free posture.
Poor Posture Treatment North Sydney / Poor Posture Treatment Crows Nest / Poor Posture Treatment Mosman / Poor Posture Treatment Gladesville