Are We Sitting Too Much ?

This article addresses the question “are we sitting too much?”

It is a great insight into how much time we spend sedentary throughout the day. Chances are you are reading this post while sitting! If this is you, know that you’re not alone. The Chiropractic Association of Australia (CAA) have recently looked into this issue and discovered that we spend a majority of time in our day sitting!



How long do we spend sitting?

The video featured above provides an analysis of how long the average office worker spends sitting throughout their day. Here are the statistics:

On average, 429 mins sleeping

81 mins commuting

97 mins sitting without a computer

337 mins sitting at a computer (that’s 5.5 hours)

71 mins sitting at their home computer

115 mins of personal use on their home computer

102 mins for other leisure activities sitting at a desk

132 mins on their couch usually watching television (2.25 hours)
That leaves only 73 mins on an average working day for standing, walking and exercising!
The CAA says “that is a fact worth making a stand about” it sure is!!


We are not designed to be sitting for extended periods of time. Yet it is still a common feature of many work environments that we are sitting too much!


How to minimise the effects of sitting too much.

It is not all doom and gloom as there are some things you can do which will help minimise the negative effects of sitting.


These include:

1.    Setting up your workstation ergonomically. Here is a website with information on the best way to sit at a computer.

2.    Take frequent breaks from sitting. Now, we know this may not be the simplest task when you are busy at work, but there are tools that can help! We recommend using the “Straighten up” App which notifies you to get up and move regularly!

3.    Regularly seeing your local Chiropractor.


For more information you can visit this is an initiative of the Chiropractors’ Association of Australia.


This article was written and sourced from:

Female Chiropractors Sydney

Below is a link to a video created by the president of Advanced BioStructural Correction Australasia (ABCA). We would like to thank Samantha Coupe and the ABCA team for creating this great video for our viewing!

This video showcases Female Chiropractors who are treating their patients in a range of different clinics.

Here is the Link showcasing female chiropractors:


A few of the treatments you will notice being performed in this video include:

  • Synchronous Testing
  • Meningeal Release
  • First Rib Correction
  • Standing Anterior Spinal Adjustments
  • Anterior Lumbar Adjustments
  • Extremity Adjusting
  • Anterior Rib Corrections.

Contact us if you are looking for Female Chiropractors in the North Shore, Sydney area.

We will be sure to book you in with one of our Chiropractors at Spine and Health, North Sydney or Crows Nest.