Female Chiropractors Sydney

Below is a link to a video created by the president of Advanced BioStructural Correction Australasia (ABCA). We would like to thank Samantha Coupe and the ABCA team for creating this great video for our viewing!

This video showcases Female Chiropractors who are treating their patients in a range of different clinics.

Here is the Link showcasing female chiropractors:



A few of the treatments you will notice being performed in this video include:

  • Synchronous Testing
  • Meningeal Release
  • First Rib Correction
  • Standing Anterior Spinal Adjustments
  • Anterior Lumbar Adjustments
  • Extremity Adjusting
  • Anterior Rib Corrections.

Contact us if you are looking for Female Chiropractors in the North Shore, Sydney area.

We will be sure to book you in with one of our Chiropractors at Spine and Health, North Sydney or Crows Nest.


Healthy Bones, Healthy Spines!

Healthy Bones Action Week (3-9 August 2015) is here, and Spine and Health is encouraging people of all ages to protect their bones.

But how does chiropractic treatment affect bone health?

It all comes down to posture and the effect it can have on your bones. Poor posture increases the strain on your bones, discs and joints. This increased strain causes wear and tear on all your tissues including your bones AND is the number one cause of osteoarthritis in your spine. As Sydney’s  posture chiropractors, we can help.

About 7 years ago Spine and Health built our own radiology centre, and x-ray all our new clients. This allows us to  see and measure the osteoarthritis caused by poor posture. It’s shocking how much osteoarthritis we find in our clients’ spines. Correcting posture can halt the worsening of this condition, and sometimes even reverse it with regular treatment and exercise programs. If left untreated, poor posture can also lead to serious problems like degenerative disc disease.



Apart from poor posture, there are other factors that can result in a patient suffering from bone degeneration or osteoarthritis. Some of these may be repetitive stress to a joint or abnormal joint motion, a past traumatic event on the body, or age and genetic predisposition.

Your posture has a tremendous impact on the health of your joints. Consistently sitting in the wrong positions will place abnormal chronic stresses on your body and joints. Poor posture can cause the loss of the three natural curves of the spine (found in the neck, upper back and lower back) and place additional strain on your muscles as they compensate to take pressure off the joints.

If your head isn’t sitting above the shoulders, the muscles will try to help adjust the body by working harder and will become tired. The force from the head and neck will wear down the small joints of the neck, and can trigger early development of osteoarthritis. If you already have this condition, improper posture will speed up the degenerative process and cause more pain.


Poor posture doesn’t just play havoc with your bone health. We regularly see clients experiencing back and neck pain, headaches, fatigue and even problems with breathing and function of major organs.





Our chiropractors can help diagnose and treat degenerative disc disease and osteoarthritis. The only way to see if you have osteoarthritis or bone degeneration is via x-ray. We can offer you a bulk-billed x-ray in our practice at the time of your consultation.


At your initial appointment with a posture chiropractor, we’ll go through your past medical history and determine areas of restricted joint motion, disc injury, muscle spasm, and ligament injury. We will also look at how you walk as well as your overall posture, helping us understand your body mechanics and how your spine moves.

Our x-rays also show if you have disc or joint issues in areas of the body apart from your spine, and even a short leg (which is actually quite common).



Our treatment is unique. Spine and Health chiropractors are qualified in postural based chiropractic. Our goal is re-aligning the spine and joints of the body.

Our techniques can help increase mobility and range of motion, and reduce any pain. By restoring posture to a normal healthy range, we can relieve the pressure and inflammation bones may be causing on the joints and muscles.

When your body is aligned it takes pressure off areas of the body that are overworked to keep your body functioning with minimal pain. Having good posture will stop the fatigue and strain on your muscles, joints and bones, and reduce the risk and symptoms of osteoarthritis and disc degeneration.

What are you waiting for? Call our Posture Chiropractors today for an initial assessment, and take care your bone health!

Case Study- Neck Pain and Poor Posture due to Gym Program

Mr James Matheson first attended the North Sydney Spine and Health Centre in May 2014 complaining of sharp neck pain and poor posture due to strenuous gym programs.

Taking daily anti-inflammatory tablets was the only thing that provided any relief to Mr Matheson.  This was interrupting Mr Matheson’s gym regime and also caused him to have headaches on almost a daily basis.

Dr Adam Schober applied postural therapy to Mr Matheson and he noticed an immediate improvement in his posture and pain levels. Mr Matheson feels he no longer slouches and is able to go to the gym pain free as well as lifting heavier weights.

JMatho1 JMatho2     

Before Treatment                                                                             After Treatment

Things to notice on James Matheson’s posture assessments:

– Eye level

– Back Straighter

– Shoulders back

– Head back

– Chest back

– Eyes looking forward

– Not slouching

– Hips and pelvis more level

– Not arching over lower back

– James posture looks natural and more confidence

If you have neck pain and poor posture due to your gym workout, visit a chiropractor at Spine and Health in North Sydney or Crows Nest for treatment!