Osteoporosis and Bone health part 2 – This article focuses on other lifestyle factors and the role they play in bone health for youth.

Bone Health and Youth.

Building bones early in life Our last blog spoke of the importance of nutrition to maximise Bone Health and help prevent Osteoporosis or Metabolic bone disease. Today we will outline other factors such as lifestyle and activity, especially for youth.



Building bones in early life.

For optimal Bone Health, the most crucial time to lay down the foundations of our bones is in the years before we reach our mid-twenties. As outlined by the International Osteoporosis foundation “Approximately half of our bone mass is accumulated during adolescence.” Our genetics will determine up to 80% of the variability in individuals peak bone mass. Factors such as nutritional intake and physical activity will help develop optimal bone strength.

Calcium and protein-rich nutrition boost bone development.

Getting adequate calcium and protein especially between 9 – 18 years old will help reach adequate Bone Health.

The peak age for bone building for girls in 12.5 years and boys is 14 years.

Getting enough of the sunshine vitamin.

Due to an increasingly indoor lifestyle, young people often will not get adequate amounts of vitamin D. Parents can help children maintain a healthy level of this key vitamin. This is done by ensuring children spend more time outdoors playing and being physical, rather than inside on screens. The recommended daily dose of Vit D is 800-1000IU daily.

According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM)USA, the recommended daily intake of key nutrients is as follows:

1 – 3 years

700mg calcium and 13g of protein

4 – 8 years

1000mg calcium and 19g of protein

9 – 13 years

1300mg calcium and 34g of protein

14 – 18 years

1300mg calcium and 46g of protein for girls and 52g of protein for boys

Exercise and lifestyle matter.

Physical activity is most important for youth to enhance bone density as young people who exercise regularly show a significant increase in bone mass. However physical activity and diet work hand in hand for people of all ages to enhance bone development.

All information from this information article was sourced from the International Osteoporosis Foundation. You can find more details on the below link. If you have questions about your child’s bone health please contact your local general practitioner or chiropractor for more information.


How Vitamin D helps your Bones

Here in Australia we have a love/hate relationship with the sun. We love the outdoors but it comes with its drawbacks – sunburn and unfortunately this could lead to skin cancers.

Ironically we have been told recently that we must spend time in the sunshine without sunscreen or protection! Why you ask?! For the health of our bones of course!

When our bare skin is exposed to sunshine we produce Vitamin D. Vitamin D and it’s relationship with calcium is possibly the most crucial factor affecting our bone density. These days with the harsh UV rays we are taught to cover up and slip slop slap, but what has been discovered is that it is actually affecting the strength of our bones and leading to diseases such as osteoporosis.

The National Osteoporosis Foundation estimated that 50% of females and 25% of males will suffer an osteoporotic fracture at some point in their lives (over the age of 50). Our bones are slowly but surely under constant regeneration through the mineralization of calcium (by vitamin D). And of course this process slows as we get older (peak is 25 years of age). It is no surprise then, with a lack of sun exposure, compounded with the physiological decline in regeneration of bone as we age, that so many women and some men suffer debilitating fractures.

So what are the recommendations?

In order to give your skin enough exposure to direct sunlight, allowing your body to produce it’s own Vitamin D and maintain/improve the density and thus strength of your bones:

Allow your skin to have (sun-cream free) complete exposure to the sunlight 3 times per week for 10-15 minutes per session.

As your local Spine and Health Chiropractors on the Lower North Shore we care for your health and especially your bones. Chiropractic care can diagnose, treat and prevent musculoskeletal disorders with an all-encompassing health and well-being approach.

The Chiro’s in Crows Nest and North Sydney,are experts in pain and posture and tailor treatment schedules to the individual. Techniques used and pressure applied is done so on a case-by-case scenario.

How can Chiropractic care help you with bone density issues?

We will help minimize your risks of fractures and alleviate pain by gently realigning you spine to its ideal posture. We can give health advice, teach you strengthening exercises, and help you to help the well-being of your spine.

So get out there and enjoy the sunshine responsibly, boost those Vitamin D levels, and improve the density of your bones!

To look better, move better and feel better please call us today:
Crows Nest             Ph 9460 8459
North Sydney              Ph 9955 8055