Posture and Ageing – HOW postural chiropractic reverses it!

As we age, our bodies go through many changes. We lose bone density and muscle tissue. Our joints become inflexible and stiff. Over time, the weight of our bodies shifts forward, leading to an irregular gait and slouched sitting. Poor posture also contributes to improper alignment of the spine, which strains the back muscles and compresses the spinal discs, resulting in lower back pain. When this occurs, the body is forced to overextend itself, making postural correction difficult.

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Posture and What it Tells People About You

We all know that good posture is important, but what most people don’t realise is that your posture tells the world a lot about you. Good posture is important not only to your health, but also to others’ perception of your moods, attitude, and personality. People who hunch forward give signs that the person is anxious, shy, or closed off to socialisation. Raised shoulders signal fear, frustration, and tension or stress. Your posture and body language tells the world a lot about you, but did you know that it can also affect your hormonal state and mental state?

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